Monday, April 13, 2009

Oh Gmail Statuses

So sometime last week I changed my status on gmail to "doesn't feel like everything is great," and a lot of my friends have been asking me why I have that has my status and my answer has been to simply ignore it and tell them that I am fine. And I am really not sure what triggered my to change my status to that, but lately this is how I have been feeling. As I sit in my classes, assistantship, and practicum, I wonder if this career is really for me. Other professionals always talk about how professionals can get burnt out in this field and how many change their profession to something else, but is it possible that I am already burnt out. I simply do not feel like I have the same passion in my job as I had in the past. Don't get me wrong some of the stuff that I have been doing is great and I have loved every minute of it, but there are a lot, and lately more, things that I have dreaded. I remember when I first started this journey, with all of this drive, passion, and desire to do this. Now I seem to be counting down the minutes til I can go home and spend time away from it all. Maybe it is because the semester is winding down, maybe it is because this semester has been crazy, or maybe it is because I am not suppose to be doing this. I changed my career path to student affairs because I wanted to do something that I would look forward to everyday. However, this is not the case at the moment. I am hoping that this is just a phase because I have always loved working with students and like I said before there are times where I can see myself doing this forever. If anyone has any advice let me know.

Stay You