Monday, February 16, 2009

My First Blog

I was talking with my girlfriend, Jessica, the other day about our wedding and her bridesmaids and my groomsmen and discovered that thinking of 5-6 really close friends of mine is actually pretty tough. I have a lot of friends, but how many would come to my aid if I really needed it. And it got me thinking about how little people really know about me. The things that I feel, the things I hate or like, the real me. People know the guy that played beer pong with his fraternity brothers, the super-involved guy that did everything on campus, and the short brown guy from their classes, but not many people really know the true me. Throughout my life I have always been the person who has put on that smile and agreed and went with the flow. I am not the one to mess with the status quo. So I thought that a blog would be a great way for me to put the stuff that I won't say out loud out there. So here it goes--Larry's First Blog

I guess I can start with some stuff about me that may not be the most well known facts.

1) I am a graduate student in the College Student Affairs Administration Program at UGA. I sit in class most days wondering, why the heck am I here? I listen to the conversations, experiences, and ideas that the rest of the cohort has and I often think that I have no chance in this field. I have thought about walking away, doing something else, but I really can't really see myself doing anything else I guess I am going to push through and hope for the best.

2) I feel that I am very lucky in my life to have a happy, healthy family and to have never experienced true heartache. I have had those nasty breakups with girlfriends, but still have all the people, whom I truly love, in my life. I don't really know how I will react when that first tragedy hits me and I am not looking forward to.

3) I am not as smart as everyone thinks I am. I can barely recall stuff I learned months ago, let alone stuff from my undergrad. I work short term with my brain. I know what I need to know and for how long I need to know, and that is what I work towards. I have learned that this works for me. I have discovered, from this, that I learn very little, but I memorize a lot which may bite me in the butt one day.

4) I have a very short attention span. This blog entry is probably the most time that I have focused on one thing for quite sometime. It has become abundantly more clear that I may have ADD since I enrolled in graduate school. I think having such a small attention span hinders my goals in life. I want to be a better Christian, attend church, and become more involved in my faith but can never find the time to go to church on a regular basis and learn about my religion. I want to lose wait but can't find the motivation to work out on a regular basis and eat healthy for a long time. I go for a week and that is about it. And this has also hurt my relationships in the past. I used to just stop talking to girls without explanation because I got bored and moved on. What a jerk I used to be

5) And last I do everything I do for my family. My mother and father have given so much to me and sacrificed everything in order to put me where I am today. They have worked long hours, multiple jobs, and sleepless nights just so my sister and I would have a decent Christmas. They have supported me in everything that I have done and my biggest fear in life is disappointing them. This is one reason why I resented my sister for a long time. Like many other 17 year old girls my sister went on a rebellious streak and started doing things that upset and angered my parents. Staying out late at night, not calling home, and other stuff I will not disclose but that consistently stressed my parents out. I tried countless times to get her to stop. Explain to her that our parents deserve better than this, but she never seemed to get it. So for about a year I didn't really like my sister because of what she was doing to my parents. However, in the past 1/2 year my sister has turned it around. Graduating from high school and enrolling in college and finally being productive in her life. I am so proud of my little sister and know that one day she will be great at something. That is probably another reason why I was mad. I saw here throwing her life away and I know that she has the potential for greatness.

Well that is my first blog. I promise the next one's won't be as long, but those are some things that I have wanted to say for awhile. Thanks for reading.

Stay You

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